Attributes { X { String standard_name "longitude"; String long_name "Longitude"; Float32 pointwidth 0.008928576; Int32 gridtype 0; String units "degree_east"; } partial_Y { String colorscalename "prcp_0to1000_colors"; Int32 ncolor 254; Int32 maxncolor 254; String colormap "16777215", "14155730", "14155730", "14155730", "14155730", "25", "10872480", "10872480", "25", "8245880", "8245880", "25", "3978295", "3978295", "25", "2337310", "2337310", "25", "1676820", "1676820", "25", "1016330", "1016330", "25", "945674", "945674", "25", "678400", "678400", "25", "341760", "341760", "25", "341760"; Float32 file_missing_value -9999.0; Float32 missing_value NaN; String long_name "$partialdiff sub Y$ Total Available Water"; String units "0.572957795130823 meter radian-1 north"; String history "Rwanda RAB soil AWC", "sl: 15.0 cm to 200.0 cm appended from Rwanda RAB soil AWC_d", "Rwanda RAB soil BLD", "sl: 15.0 cm to 200.0 cm appended from Rwanda RAB soil BLD_d", "total [ ( Rwanda RAB soil { AWC * BLD } ) * min ( { sl + 0. } , 60.0 ) ]", "Averaged over sl[0 cm, 280 cm] minimum 0.0% data present", "Averaged over Y[2.839286S, 1.0625S] minimum 0.0% data present"; } NC_GLOBAL { String Conventions "IRIDL"; } }